Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Arti Seorang Guru

Seorang Guru
Menggandeng tangan, Membuka pikiran
Menyentuh hati, Membentuk masa depan
Seorang Guru berpengaruh selamanya
Dia tidak pernah tahu kapan pengaruhnya berakhir 


-            Latihan-latihan dasar, mulailah dengan mengetik huruf-huruf ini.
1.      asdfjkl;  asdfjkl;  asdfjkl;  asdfjkl;  asdfjkl;  asdfjkl;  asdfjkl;  asdfjkl;  asdfjkl;  asdfjkl;  (20x)
2.      qweruiop;  qweruiop;  qweruiop;  qweruiop;  qweruiop;  qweruiop;  qweruiop; (30x)
3.      zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ (40 x)
4.      The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog (50 x)
5.      Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump (20x)
6.      Seorang teman mengajarkan kepada saya bagaimana cara mengetik sepuluh jari, saya rasa ia telah membekali ilmu yang sangat berharga dalam kehidupan saya.

1.      Asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdjkl; asdfjkl; asdfkl; asdfkl; asdfkl; asdfkl;  adsfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjl; adfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfkl;’ asdfkl; asdfkl; asdfkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; adfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; adfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjl;asdfjkl; asdfjkl;  asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; adsfjl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; adfjkl; adsfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjkl; asdfjk; asdfkl; asdfkl; asdfjkl;
2.      Qweruiop; qweruioup; qweruiop; qweruiop; qweruiop; qwerioup; qweruiop; qweruiop; qweruiop qweruiop; qweruiop; qweruiop;qweruiop; qweruiop; qweruiop; qweruop; qweruiop; qweruiop; qweruiop; qweruiop ; qweruiop; qweruiop; qweruiop ;qweroup
3.      Zxcvm,../ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm.,./ zcxvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./  zxcvm,./ zcxvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,,./ zxcvm,/ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,. / zxcvm,./ zcvm,./ zxcvm./ zcxvm,./ zcxvm,./ zxcvm./ zxcvm,./
zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./ zxcvm,. / zxcvm,./ zxcvm,./

4.      The quick brown fox  jump over the lazy  dog
The quickbrown fox jump over  the lazy dog
The quickbrown  fox  jump over the lazy dog
The quickbrown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the  lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the  lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the  lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump  over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the  lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the  lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump  over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the  lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the  lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump  over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump  over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump  over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump  over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog
5.      Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump
Typewriter quick stewardess helicopter brown polycarbonate jump

6.      Seorang teman mengajarkan kepada saya bagaimana cara mengetik sepuluh jari, saya rasa ia telah membekali ilmu yang sangat berharga dalam kehidupan saya.